Family Survey 2023
We surveyed 250 new families that work with us, asking them about their experience with Oppidan and how effective mentoring has been for their children.
Mentorship and essential skills at the ISC Conference
At this year’s ISC, Henry Faber was joined by Wellington College’s James Dahl to discuss ideas around mentorship and essential skills, with a focus on how to enable personal growth pupil engagement as part of a student’s school journey.
Why character education matters in the age of AI
As AI continues to transform the way we operate in our digital world, the discussions around its impact on education broaden.
2023 in Oppidan Journal covers
With the curtains closing on 2023, it’s been nearly a year since Jess, our Creative Executive, set about designing the first cover for our monthly broadcast.
What is residential mentoring?
Having a mentor at home is the most effective way to support your children, both academically and pastorally.
10 Christmas books to read this holiday
The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to keep the kids busy than diving into some festive reads. Wherever you are for the holidays, encouraging your children to get lost in a book is the perfect way to make sure their brains don’t go into standby.
Oppidan launches in South Korea
Following the successful pilot mentoring project with British Education Korea in September 2023, Oppidan's office in Seoul opens December 1st 2023 with the wider launch of its programme to families and to the school for students across prep and secondary.
What is character education?
At Oppidan, we talk a lot with schools about character education. But what actually is character education? According to Ofsted, there are 6 areas that schools should tackle in order to develop effective character education.
What’s next for personal statements?
Personal statements have been the shop window for UCAS applicants since the beginning of time. Big news: they’re disappearing.
Oppidan in Ghana
How many girls does it take to change the continent of Africa? One. It takes just one talented STEM student armed with excellent A-Levels, ready for the world’s best universities, to change the continent of Africa.
Introducing children to poetry
Poetry is everywhere. It’s used to sell to us, to make us pay attention. It’s our favourite song lyrics and the quotes we carry with us for comfort. It can go viral – but sometimes, no one will ever read it at all.
Oppidan x Soneva: join us in the Maldives
Building on several years of successful partnership, we’re returning to Soneva Fushi over this Christmas and New Year. Oppidan Education has supported children of all ages and backgrounds from across the world. As a luxury resort focused on sustainability and education, Soneva Fushi has helped Oppidan to pioneer and innovate this approach to educating children about their surroundings while on holiday.
Independent Review of Careers Guidance in Schools
At the end of September, Ofsted published an independent review of careers guidance in schools and further education and skills providers.
In conversation with Pierce and Groves
Our founders’ associate, Adam Goodbody, sits down with Pierce & Groves to discuss Oppidan’s services and guidance for parents navigating crucial education stages such as the challenges of divorce.
Latymer Upper Admissions Process
What is the admissions process for 11+ entry? The entrance exam for 11+ entry, is early December. To ensure your child's participation, it's crucial to register before the deadline which changes each year but normally the middle of November. No registrations will be accepted after this point, so plan accordingly.
St Paul’s School Admissions Process
What is the admissions process for 7+ and 8+ entry? Parents looking to enroll their sons at St. Paul's Juniors can start the journey when their child enters Year One, with registrations beginning in October.
Merchant Taylor’s Admissions Process
What are the deadlines for applying to Merchant Taylor’s? Merchant Taylor’s have the following deadlines for their entry and examinations at different age groups.
Oppidan in Spain
Closely on the heels of our trip to South Korea, Oppidan spent last week in Spain building a partnership with our first school in the Affinitas group.
Radley College Admissions Process
Radley say: We are looking for kind, talented and ambitious boys who will thrive in a boarding environment. We are an academically selective school and our assessment reflects this but we are most interested in boys who will make the most of every opportunity and significantly contribute to Radley life.
The ultimate 11+ survival guide
Making the move from prep to senior school is a huge leap on any child’s educational journey. We’re here to help you every step of the way with Talk Education’s ultimate 11+ survival guide, which covers everything from key dates to how to narrow down your shortlist.